But at the last minute I remembered a place that is closer in Gardner, MA, only about 10 minutes away. So we went for breakfast at the Blue Moon Diner and then around the corner to Stasukelis Appliance. It's a family owned business and I'd rather give my money to them than the big guys anyway! And it's where we ended buying everything! The salesperson was very knowledgeable, and he gave us a fabulous deal on the stove and fridge cause they were clearance items. +A HUGE plus+ - we were able to have it all delivered the same day!
AT Home Depot we would have had to order the items and have them delivered later in the week, meaning I'd have to take time off from work to hang out and wait for the delivery. We had everything up and running by yesterday afternoon, and the old yucky appliances are gone forever - YAYYY!
Here's our new kitchen look!
You can click the picture to see it a bit larger.

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